Selecting board members is a vital way to build and strengthen an organization. A well-established procedure for elections and nominations helps to avoid issues and maintains a strict adherence with the bylaws. When the chair or the president chooses a new member to be a member, it bypasses the review of committee selection and can create dissension between other members who were nominated by the committee.

It is vital that the committee carefully reviews the membership list and determines individuals who are a suitable fit for your organization’s needs. The committee should discuss and make notes on candidates. If the committee is unable find a candidate to fill a certain office it’s a good idea to let that seat be open and let members of the committee to nominate themselves.

Once the committee has a final list of candidates, they can organize an election. The most common way to vote is by voice vote. The chair will request the yes or no vote on each candidate, in order. The candidate with the majority of ayes is the winner.

Other methods for determining board members include a written ballot as well as roll call and cumulative voting. It is essential to count the votes accurately, regardless of the method. If a member is concerned that the teller’s methods do not adhere to the correct procedures or was an error in counting votes, they should raise their hands and notify the presiding officers of their concerns.